I recently calculated my carbon footprint using a tool I found at http://go-beyond.ca/carbon-footprint-calculator; the results were quite interesting. Apparently, assuming that I commute to UBC from Delta via public transit Monday through Friday as I have for seven of the past eight months, I produce 4.84 tonnes of CO2 in a year. Now, that seems like an awful lot to me as carbon is a gas and I think of it as being very light. The breakdown of my footprint is 34% from my daily commute, 49% from the food I eat and 17% from shelter. It appears the main problem with my current lifestyle is my commute, while my ‘food-print’ is relatively low and my energy use at home is quite low as I live with seven other people in a medium sized house. Switching to an alternative method of transportation is suggested, though I currently do not drive and am rarely in a car. In fact, I would love to cut down on my commute just as much as the environment would love for me to; I intend to do so next year by living in Vancouver. Eating more of a locally produced, vegetable-based diet is also encouraged as this would benefit my health, the local economy and community and the ‘world at large.’
Most of these suggestions seem doable and I will attempt to consider how my actions impact the environment more in the future. Overall, I am surprised that the site seems to tell me I am doing a fairly good job at containing my carbon output. I was expecting more of a harsh criticism of my lifestyle, pointing out a number of details that I typically overlook. I am sure, however, that the impact of my carbon footprint will become a much more serious issue upon increasing my transactions in the business world, especially as an entrepreneur.
