Posted by: | 16th Nov, 2010

Four Products, One Ad (Cross-Promotion)

Several weeks ago, I discussed some unique Xerox ads which incorporated both Xerox and one other brand (Ducati, Marriot Hotels, etc.) within a 30 second spot. These ads appeared to be clear and effective in presenting the two brands. Similarly, the following is an ad which presents four brands within 30 seconds.

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The first time I saw this ad, I immediately thought that it was attempting to pull off too much. Really, how effective can an ad be in demonstrating four products in such a short time? Upon further viewing, however, I realized that this commercial is actually extremely effective in blending the four brands together in such an uncluttered manner. Conan O’Brien uses his massive star-power to promote the partnership of Blackberry and AT&T. Meanwhile, both his personality and the ‘Conan’ blimp provide powerful advertising for his new show, ‘Conan’. Moreover, the blimp (which does not at all look out of place due to Conan being involved in the ad) and the announcer advertise TBS. Likely only used to promote the Blackberry on AT&T’s network, Facebook is also mentioned as a potential 5th product. I don’t think I have seen so much advertising all in one 30 second commercial before. Clearly, whoever created and produced this ad is quite skilled in establishing transitions and in creating innovative promotional strategies.


I recently learned that this type of advertising is considered to be a cross-promoting. The key to this type of promotion is presenting numerous products together that appeal to the same target market. The multiple brands within the ad must work together to add value to each other in the mind of consumers. In terms of this advertisement, the offering of Blackberry phones with AT&T contracts certainly increase the value of such a contract. Conversely, offering Blackberries at a decreased price or for free with AT&T contracts certainly adds value to the Blackberry. Furthermore, the ability to use Facebook on such a device increases the value of the Blackberry, while enabling Facebook to be used on the device increases the usage rate of people on Facebook. Being a highly influential individual, Conan O’Brien increases the value of such a device and contract in the minds of consumers by making them ‘cool.’ His show certainly adds value to TBS as the network gains significant viewership, while the network facilitates the airing of the Conan O’Brien show. It doesn’t look like so much is going on at first, but upon a detailed inspection, an intricate web of cross-promoting certainly exists.

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