Week 3: Progress Report + Project Planning


       Welcome to our 3rd blog posting! How time flies! Last week we had a 3-hour group meeting to distribute the responsibilities among group members regarding the written proposal and the proposal presentation for our project.  Amy Huang, Drew Bondar and Sophie Dong were assigned to work on the introduction, focusing on introducing our group members, our project, and our community partner. Bonnie Chan and Joyce Liao were assigned to come up with a brief rationale for our research question and to relate it to a broader picture. Jasmine Lee and Nathan Lee were responsible for the selection of methods to conduct this research and explain why these specific research methods were selected. A work plan was created during the meeting to ensure that the entire group is able to complete the tasks before the due dates and to keep up with the progress of our project. Even though every group member has his/her own responsibilities, we will still help each other to solve the problems encountered while conducting the project.  This week, we also received great news from Shona from GVFBS asking whether we as a group would be interested in participating a canning workshop with them to better understand the process of canning.

     As the proposal presentation and the written proposal are due this week, our group will focus on these two tasks at the beginning of this week. We will draft our proposal presentation and meetup to practice on Tuesday and Wednesday. Also, we are going to complete our written proposal two days before the deadline, so we would have time to proofread it. At the same time, our group will send our tentative timeline to our community partner (GVFBS) once our proposal is finalized. We are now in the process of conducting literature reviews for the FAQs regarding the science behind canning and how to perform safe canning. Academic literature research about FAQs is going to be completed by the due date of our draft (Nov. 5) since we plan to finish the FAQs section in the next two weeks and then begin research and revision of the manual. The valuable information obtained from the canning session will also be used to revise the manual and answer the FAQs. Once we get our draft manual done, we will conduct a focus group interview to test the clarity and understandability of the new sections produced, and potential participants of the interview will be chosen by the Fresh Choice Kitchens. After that, we will finalize the manual with regards to the responses from the focus group, and then achieve the final version of the manual and the answers to the FAQs.

Thank you for reading our postings and see you next week!

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