Advance Notice: Term 2 TAs – October 31st, 2019 – last day to withdraw from TAship


Hello Everyone,
especially Term 2 TAs –

Now that Winter Session is well underway, you probably have a pretty good feel for how your course load and activities are balancing out.

Sometimes a student will realize a change has to be made: he/she has taken on too much, or something comes up, and s/he decides to withdraw from his/her Term 2 TA-ship.

For those of you who accepted offers for a Term 2 TA-ship and are considering a change like this,

          • your deadline is October 31st, 2019.

Please first inform your instructor, then contact me at:

This deadline for foreseeable changes allows time for your instructor to find another TA, and to process your changes, before the term ends, everyone scatters, and the holidays are upon us.

Thank you for your cooperation!
Questions? Let me know.


Virginia Frankian
Academic Coordinator
UBC Faculty of Land & Food Systems
FNH Building, Room 230
2205 East Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4
Phone: 604 822-0434
For all TA-related correspondence, please use