Volunteer as a UBC Navigator | deadline June 4th

As a UBC Navigator, you are a key member of the orientation teams welcoming and supporting students in their transition to UBC. Navigators will be some of the first faces students see when they’re arriving on campus during the first week; the service is a timely, on-demand support for students who are learning about our campus and how to get to their classes. Navigators provide one-on-one transactional support to find buildings and classrooms on campus.

As a UBC Navigator, you can expect to:

Support new-to-UBC students through their first week

Transition programming in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems is designed to support new to UBC students throughout their first term. One important facet of the transition is assisting students in their first week at UBC by providing directions to find campus buildings and classrooms.

Engage in personal and professional skill development

This encompasses:

  • Developing competencies in areas including communication, teamwork, team building, analysis and problem solving, initiative and motivation, willingness to learn and adaptability.

Role model outstanding student leadership on campus

This encompasses

  • Embracing the role as an ambassador for student leadership and as a representative of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems.
  • Understanding the role that a Navigator leader plays within a larger scope of leadership on the UBC Vancouver campus.
  • Actively participating as a member of a larger community of leadership across the UBC Vancouver campus.

Time Commitment

  • Attend mandatory training sessions (September 2017 – Labour Day weekend) These training sessions conflict with the Orientation Leader training – you cannot hold positions as both an Imagine Orientation Leader and a UBC Navigator
  • Attend Imagine UBC on Tuesday September 5, 2017
  • Assist with Navigation Stations during the first week of classes in September for at least 5-10 hours, based on your availability

Applications are open on a rolling basis until Sunday, June 4th at 11:59 pm.

For more information, please visit the website here.


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