Impact Evaluation Analytics: LFS International Field Studies – Indonesia

LFS 302B (6 credits)

This course is designed to introduce students to the principles and applications of development project M&E. The world of international development faces many challenges, one of which is the failure of assistance interventions (aid projects and programs). Students will develop a practical understanding of the logical processes by which projects are designed and implemented, including the need for external evaluation, ex post project delivery in order to assess the efficacy, outcomes, and sustainability of these interventions. Lack of project success, more often than not, is a result of inadequate impact evaluation strategies. Students will learn skills to develop strong monitoring & evaluation plans in order to overcome these deficiencies.

Information session 1:

When:  Tuesday, October 10th

Time:    12:30 – 1:30 pm

Where:  MacMillan 258

Information Session 2:

When:  Wednesday, October 18th

Time:    4:00 – 5:00 pm

Where:  MacMillan 258


For more information, please visit

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