A sampling of research and reports from members of the LGBTQ/2S/+ Mental Health Roundtable:
Preventing Suicide among Gay and Bisexual Men: New Research and Perspectives Community-Based Research Centre (Travis Salway, Olivier Ferlatte, Joshun Dulai)
Addressing the suicide rate among gay and bisexual men in BC: An assessment of policy solutions Simon Fraser University 2018 (Jorgen Harink)
A systematic review and meta-analysis of disparities in the prevalence of suicide ideation and attempt among bisexual populations. Archives of Sexual Behavior 2018 (Travis Salway)
Re-assessing the burden of suicide-related behavior among sexual minority adults by study sample type: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Public Health 2016
Suicide related ideation and behavior among Canadian gay and bisexual men: A syndemic analysis. BMC Public Health 2015 (Olivier Ferlatte)
Suicide and HIV as leading causes of death among gay and bisexual men: A comparison of estimated mortality and published research. Critical Public Health 2015