UN Vs The Arc Initiative – do we really need both?

Source: https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/jc/p/1/005/01d/3b0/05deca2.png

The UN is an international organization that is committed to maintain international peace and security; developing friendly relations among nations; promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. The UN touches every corner of the globe and focuses on these broad range of fundamental issues. However, if the UN is fully funded, is there really a need for the Arc Initiative?

Yes, the Arc Initiative is definitely needed, even though it only touches upon four countries of the world, the ability for Sauder students to share their skills with entrepreneurs in these countries without any business knowledge will be doing the UN a favor because it will only speed up the progress of what the UN is really trying to do since this helps create better living standards and promote social progress through acquiring such knowledge. Moreover, this approach tends to be more focused oriented on one issue rather than a broad approach like the UN, thus, change will be seen more rapidly.

The UN is already preoccupied with many fundamental issues about the world and if the Arc initiative is able to relieve their responsibilities on several aspects, then why not just coexist in society so that more can be done in a shorter time frame.

Although the Arc Initiative isn’t as large as the UN organization, it is a starting point that will create change rather than creating more obstacles for the UN. Therefore, the opportunity for both to coexist will help create a lasting impact for many communities.

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