Letter of Application

Dear prospective writing team-mates of English 301,

My name is Liam Plosker. I am a third year English major, minoring in Creative Writing. Fiction writing has been a lifelong passion, since I was six years old. This background in Creative Writing has allowed me to acquire a strong command for the English language, including a robust writing and editing skillset. I am a dedicated team member, and I prefer to listen, rather than speak, and entertain many different perspectives when forming my own.

I am a proficient communicator and tend to thrive in group settings, both socially and professionally. I have experience volunteering in Sprout kitchen working and communicating in a team setting, as well as volunteering at UBC Farm where I participated in coordinated group tasks. I have also been an active member in many workshop-structure classes at UBC in the past.

I sincerely enjoy getting to know others and am a friendly and approachable person. I strive to build a safe space where every member feels heard and included in each activity. I seek to make group-work totally democratic where each member has an equal contribution. On a more human aspect, I love to socialise and building stimulating new connections with people that extend beyond the classroom.

I hope you will reflect on the abilities I bring to the table when considering my application to join your writing group.

(Word Doc Version Linked) 301 – Liam Plosker – Letter of Application

Please do not hesitate to email me at ploskerliam@gmail.com whenever your schedule allows.

Thank you for your interest. Have a lovely day.







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