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Liam Plosker

(604) 354-4138



To attain a job in the technical writing field.



University of British Columbia (2018-present)

Bachelor of Arts, English Major, Creative Writing Minor



UBC Farms May 2022-Aug 2022

  • Harvesting, Seeding, Weeding
  • Supervising
  • Administrative Work
  • Working at the Saturday Market
  • Demonstrates Leadership Abilities, ability to be an amicable but effective leader
  • Demonstrates Versatility of Skills, Ability to Adapt for Conditions and problem-solve in real-time



Sprout Kitchen UBC September 2023-December 2023

  • Preparing 100+ Hot Meals
  • Cleaning
  • Packaging
  • Working in Groups of 4-6
  • Demonstrates People Skills and Time Management Skills, ability to work with a tight turaround deadline



Technical: Proficient in Technological Communications: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel



Available on Request


Application Package

I have attached the Application Package below, as requested in Assignment 4.2. Please find the link at the bottom of this post.


Summary of Application Package:


Job Posting:

The job posting is regarding an administrative coordinator position for HDRN Canada.

Cover Letter:

The cover letter is addressed to the hiring manager of the position and outlines the professional and academic background and experience that showcases how I fit the requirements of the position.


The resume for the above position is here. It highlights previous experience and relevant contact details and personal information.

Three Requests for Reference Letters

The three requests for reference letters are addressed to prior employers and academic figures who can offer positive references for my skillset for this position.

Thank you for taking the time to review this Application Package.

Here is the Application Package attached: Application Package – Final

Unit 3 Reflection Blog

During this Unit, I felt I acquired a certain discipline through the trial and error process of starting and restarting new versions of my Formal Report. While it often felt like I was facing a brick wall, I noticed that taking time away, and even going for a walk and easing the pressure on myself to produce something of high quality “right now” really helped free up my problem-solving abilities to explore different ways to surmount the blocks I was facing when sitting down to write.

Completing the “Writing with You Attitude” memo to Evan Crisp was also helpful. This assignment allowed me to reflect more closely on how I communicate in formal and academic settings, and if any improvements to my current correspondence with professors could be made. I had a personal realisation that I used to – subconsciously – equate formal writing with flowery language. I used to write using long-winded, or somewhat cumbersome language when writing in a formal context. This usually weighed down the actual content.

Now, I use a bare-bones approach when writing formally. I seek to strip a sentence down to its absolute skeleton structure. I value clarity over “sounding smart.” This Unit, and this course as a whole, has helped instil this new perspective in me.

Being able to peer review a classmate’s Formal Report Draft also helped me gain greater perspective on my own writing, and components of my writing I often overlook. It is always easier to spot patterns in someone else’s less familiar work than it is in our own, which we typically get desensitized to. While I was providing advice on a classmate’s draft, I also felt I was greatly gaining from the experience, being able to pick out similarities between elements of their writing I critiqued and my own.

On the whole, this was a great Unit for self-learning. The trial and error process of drafting a formal report, along with applying the critique I gave a classmate’s work to my own writing, helped me to better understand where my writing needs improvement, and gave rise to a lot of mini-epiphanies about how to shore up my writing, making it tighter and clearer. Lastly, to reiterate, this Unit was also helpful to reflect on how I communicate with professors and other academic or professional figures in an effective but proper way.

Home Page/My Course Outline

ENG 301 99C is a technical writing course which is offered online. The course is aimed at teaching students about the elements of formal writing, allowing them to write in a variety of formal contexts.

While the course is fully online, it involves regular involvement between the student, their peers, and their instructor. Throughout ENG 301 99C, students will post a series of assignments on their own blog, and comment on their peers’ posts, in order to hone their technical writing skills.

By enrolling in this course, I hope to refine my writing and editing skills. I expect that continued engagement with my peers in this course will allow the necessary practice to hone my technical writing skills.

A goal I have by the completion of this course, is to be able to edit my own work to a professional standard, without requiring assistance. I also look forward to learning from my peers who have come from different academic backgrounds, and each possess a unique skillset.

By the end of this course, I hope the writing I produce is clearer and tighter, and that I will be able to edit more efficiently. I seek to upgrade my writing and editing skills, and capitalize on the learning opportunities this course offers.








Personal Bio

I am Liam Plosker, a third year English student at the University of British Columbia. I have a background in creative writing – which I am minoring in – and much of my current writing and editing skillset comes from this.

Outside of academic pursuits, I am also interested in meditation, music, cooking, journaling, cross-country running and spending time in the forest, or at the beach. I consider myself an extroverted introvert, and enjoy making new connections with a diverse range of people. I enjoy listening to new perspectives, and putting myself outside of my comfort zone in order to grow, in every area of life. I am a spontaneous person with a vivid imagination, and these qualities are visible in my creative writing endeavors.

I am looking forward to meeting my peers and instructor, and sharpening my writing and editing abilities in this course.