
After their change in price, the CEO had made another big decision which may put Netflix into an even worse situation — separate the company into two different businesses.”one for Internet streaming and one for DVDs by mail”. And they named the second business “Qwikster“.

Firstly, the sudden change in the price made the company lose 1 million customers with in a month. And now the CEO made this announcement on his personal blog, has really stirred up the anger in the consumers. Now consumers not only has to pay double the amount, but also need to create two different accounts. They felt offended by the moves, and feel that their opinions are not valued by the company.

Even though the company believe that the consumers are just mad at the moment and will come back to the company eventually. But Netflix’s stock has dropped almost 52% since they announce their price change, and dropped another 7.2% after the CEO’s blog post announcement.

The good image of Netflix in their consumers’ mind is now gone, and once it’s bad, it is hard to get back to before. Everyone is waiting to see how Netflix is going to solve their problems.


Pictures from:


-Google finance.

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