R.I.P Steven Jobs

Apple had announce the release date of the new iPhone 4s on October 5th. But this time, the announcement is made by the new CEO Tim Cook.

October 5th, around 5:00 p.m, if you get onto home page of Apple, you would see the picture above: Steven Jobs 1955-2011.

Nobody saw this coming. He was on the stage introducing ipad2 just a few months ago, and now, he is gone.

He was an executive of Pixar Animation Studio; a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company; one of the executive producer of Toy Story.

However, he was well-known as the founder and the former CEO of Apple. And the guy who had “changed the world”.

He was a genius in technology, one of the best CEO in the world. 56 years in this world, he had changed the way people live and brought technology into a whole new level.

Rest in peace Steven Jobs.  We miss you and will always remember you.




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