Reading Review #2

So, for this Reading Review post, I began with the Suggested Readings List and Bibliography. I started to read about educational trends, immigration and such. It wasn’t really hitting on my topic, Destiny Quest. So, I went into the UBC Library to search different databases and journals. After several tries, I hadn’t found much beyond how to reach my destiny and begin the quest for meaning in my life. Ha.

Next, I looked at my notes that I had jotted down from the “Google Hangout” last Tuesday, mainly suggestions from Aaron on different resources I could search out for my Destiny Quest topic. I decided to go ahead and started exploring the following sites:

Destiny Quest Community Space:

I logged into my school site and registered myself in the Follett Community site.  I really had no idea what I was looking for, but clicked on the first link, “Bookmark Challenge.” I was thinking, “Ok, so we are supposed to research sites and bookmark them and then win something?” No, the challenge is to actually make bookmarks (yes, paper and mactac ones). I thought, “Hey, I am already doing that in my library, students come in in their spare time and make bookmarks. Wow, I can do this!”


My sister forced me to sign up a year ago (same way I got a Facebook account) but I have never used it. When I tried a couple of times, I was confused. So this time, I googled “how to use Pinterest” and took the time to read the first couple of paragraphs. I went back into my account and entered the words Follett Destiny Quest. I was blown away by how many different resources that I found, from how to add a book trailer to teaching students to write reviews to making the most of your library’s ebook collection. This is definitely a site I will use again!


Yes, it is true, I hadn’t been on twitter before. So, I went into the account that I created for Libe 477 and entered the same search words and ended up following my first account, called Classroom 2.0. So, one more new resource for me! Libe 477 has forced me to add gmail, twitter, a blog, digg reader and pinterest! For twitter, Aaron’s suggestion is to just dive in, so that’s what I’m doing!


I haven’t followed a blog before and wasn’t sure how to do it. Aaron suggested googling blog wordpress destiny quest. So I tried that and instantly found a blog to follow from an elementary librarian who posts lots of items on integrating Destiny Quest in her library. I added her for email updates but then I saw that I could also add her on twitter, so I did that also.




1 thought on “Reading Review #2

  1. Aaron Mueller

    A good collection of resources on a complicated and not as available topic! I think you’ve found some good alternative avenues for support in implementing and using the Destiny system. The next challlenge will be to find other actual people (on twitter, or blogs, or in other districts) that also use Destiny and to try and form a Personal L:earning Network of people that you can reach out to with questions, ideas or if you have problems. Overall, good discussion, strong strategies and hopefully helpful resources!


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