Final Vision Blog Post #1: California Dreamin’

That title was just to get your attention, doesn’t have anything to do with my future professionally.  I am going to California next Friday for two weeks so it is hard to think about much beyond that.


But back to my professional future…


In my very first blog post, I decided to make my inquiry focus of this course Destiny Quest. My mind has been spinning for weeks about this final vision project, and how to create a virtual document around my topic. I am all about developing a reading culture, so this is a stretch for me.


I have decided to create an instructional video for parents/students on how to use Destiny Quest. I would put the video on my school website library link. This is what my Watson Library website currently looks like. Obviously, it needs some work and I think an instructional video would be a nice touch. I would talk families through the log-in process and get them excited about accessing the collection from home and introductory features.


Here is an example of an instructional video I found on Youtube. It is called Destiny Quest Overview. Mine would be not quite as detailed, more basic, and a bit more upbeat with voice tone. As I have never made a video before, this will definitely be out of my comfort zone. In the next week, I will be taking a closer look at making instructional videos, create a list of the important things I want to cover in the video, and begin creating it. Longterm, I can envision making this an introductory video, then over time adding more videos, each covering a more advanced aspect of Destiny Quest. 


2 thoughts on “Final Vision Blog Post #1: California Dreamin’

  1. Aaron

    Great idea! Instructional videos, that showcase, demonstrate and guide your potential visitors are extremely helpful and something that many people rely on in order to make their learning more accessible. I think you’ve got a great idea that will be challenging, engaging and the start to a long tradition of helping your students and patrons with short, helpful videos. Once you start screencasting, you can’t stop. I would recommend tools like or screencastomatic as they don’t need any special software, and can be used just with your internet browser. Also, doing a google search for “screen capture” or “how to make a screen capture video” will help guide you to the right tools. And I hope you get to california soon!

  2. lia moyes

    Sounds like a great idea! The District Library Technician from my District made a bookmark with basic steps to help students login /use Destiny, eBooks, etc. A take away for the students like a bookmark might be a nice companion to your How To Video. Good luck!


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