Inquiry Project Post #3: And you call yourself a Teacher-Librarian??

In an age where teacher-librarians are disappearing like leftovers in a kitchen of teenagers, we must make ourselves irreplaceable, indispensable, and invaluable. We must be more than “keepers of the books.” We need to be strong leaders, comfortable with technology and web 2.0 tools, ready to instruct and support those on our staff.


In our Inquiry Post #2, I enjoyed reading Lia’s blog, where she talks about her principal hosting weekly “Teacher Talk” sessions before school. It got me thinking about the concept of hosting a book club using our class text, Why School?  (Richardson, 2012).  We could discuss a chapter/section each week. We could use our Discussion #3 question from this class, for example, as a jumping off point: “After reading ‘Part II: New School’, which practices and ideas could you drop from your current teaching practice, and which would you be interested in exploring?” I think that this would be a non-threatening, non-judgemental, low-key way of connecting with teachers at the level they are at.

why school

A second idea I have is using one of our after-school-collab sessions to demonstrate the features of our new Destiny Quest OPAC. In particular, I would like to show teachers how seamless it is to organize their research projects on Destiny. I couldn’t host it this school year, but I am hoping that by September, I will be more adept at using the OPAC and be confident enough to teach it to staff.  Collab is a huge deal in my school, and the Collab team is always looking for ideas. If I let the Collab team know now that I am interested in doing a Destiny session in the fall, it would force me to spend my spare time working out the bugs, learning the program, and getting comfortable teaching it. I know that many teachers would appreciate the instruction and support. Getting them on board will increase its usage and make our educational community even stronger. Here is a sample video that I could begin a Collab session with:

A third way that I can support the staff is to continue to keep Accelerated Reader running in our school. There are several teachers that use the program and need me to support it. There are also many children who love the challenge and rewards it offers. I maintain all aspects of the program and assist students in their online quiz taking, book selection, etc. Tomorrow, I am meeting with a new staff member to show him the basics of the program (login in, password, star reader assessments and so forth).


My philosophy with all aspects of staff development is always, “How can I help?” And my response to staff queries is always “yes” or “I’m not sure about that, but I’ll find out!” Supporting staff ICT needs is always dependent on the quality of technology at any given school. That can make it very frustrating at times, as many in our class have alluded to.


Richardson, W. (2012). Why School?: How Education Must Change When Learning and Information Are Everywhere. TED Conferences Publishing. (EBOOK)


4 thoughts on “Inquiry Project Post #3: And you call yourself a Teacher-Librarian??

  1. Aaron

    Good post all about useful strategies and important reminders. I was pleased to read about your “Yes” attitude at school with staff. Its so important to be approachable, helpful and to not turn anyone away when they are seeking some guidance! Also, good ideas to get up in front of your staff and provide some instruction, guidance, maybe even a book club! Some good reflection and a few key ideas for moving forward.

  2. Lia Moyes Larson

    Great Post! I am glad you are considering a book club using Why School.

    Thanks for sharing the Destiny Quest video. I am running my grade 8 orientations starting on Monday. Perhaps next year I will create a video like this for my school to save me from giving the same demo 6 times! I struggle between using Quest for my grade 8s or taking them right into the standard Destiny screen (we are a grade 8-12 school). The video you posted have given me a lot to think about.



  3. dallas gillingham

    Hello Carrie,

    I feel like I’m dropping the ball on Destiny. Your project for Collab sounds great. I want to do the same thing for my staff…maybe we could get together on the April collab session and work on something together:) I’m doing a little activity this week at collab where we’ll be using wordpress and digg reader…sound familiar. We are still using AR as well but don’t have the budget to run the new system. I am thinking of writing a few new tests myself, as we have 200 empty slots.


  4. Karen Leonard

    Another thank you for the Destiny Quest video. I am used to working at the high school level and haven’t used Destiny Quest before. However, recently I have been working quite a bit at middle school, and students often ask me after they have finished their work if they can go on Destiny Quest. Thanks for the intro. I will definitely take the time to learn more about it.


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