【Ethics】Worker Killed at Saints Ballpark Site


This is an article about a tragedy happened in workplace of demolition. The tragedy arouse my attention to business ethics.

fatality - Diamond6x(picture from finance-commerce.com)

This is an article about a tragedy happened in workplace of demolition. The victim was Johnny Valek, 61,. He was killed when a 30-foot-by-10-foot piece of concrete fell onto the cab of his backhoe. His employer – Rachel Contracting declined to comment.

Profit or Safety?

Rachel Contracting, as well as other company in all fields, has to balance profit and the safety of workers. As an experienced worker he was, Valek was more efficient than regular or younger workers. Meanwhile, efficiency of a experienced worker means more profits to a demolition company than hiring a less experienced one. That ‘s the reason why Rachel Contracting still hired Valek to do demolition work even though he was over 60. However, Rachel Contracting neglected an important rule of  business ethics: to keep worker safe to the greatest extent. This rule of business ethics should be considered before the profits. In the case, if a younger worker who responses quickly to accident is hired to do the same job and face the same accident, he will have much higher probability to escape the accident and survive. After all,  the social responsibility of business is not only to increase its profits.

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