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Archive for the 'librarians' Category

Immersing Yourself at the Library

Sunday, August 21st, 2011

I have tried Second Life. I have tried Active Worlds. On the whole, I’d have to say that prefer actual life and the real world. (Not to be confused with MTV’s The Real World, which I only prefer to major dental surgery.) I think it’s important for the library-archives-museum world to know about these worlds, […]

2.0: Help or Hindrance?

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Originally posted on the Vista discussion board for LIBR 559M on July 21, 2011. For my money, any jargon, such as the “2.0” suffix, is helpful when it successfully serves as shorthand for a more complicated concept, and becomes a hindrance when it is used erroneously or with an audience that isn’t privy to the […]

Your Online Presence: How Much Is Enough?

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Despite the stereotype of the Shy Librarian (which is also an online game where you get to dress up your very own smokin’ hot librarian – who knew?), it seems like the biblioblogosphere is full of information professionals with something to say. A Google search of the term “librarian blog” yields more than half-a-million hits, […]

Librarian 2.0 – Are You One?

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

I did a Google search of the term “2.0”, and in the first five pages of results, I found the following: Web 2.0 HTML 2.0 RSS 2.0 Health 2.0 Classroom 2.0 Museum 2.0 Where 2.0 Efficiency 2.0 Life 2.0 Enterprise 2.0 Data 2.0 Women 2.0 Nerds 2.0.1 StrengthsFinder 2.0 Wisdom 2.0 Identity 2.0 Publishing 2.0 Government […]

How (and If) Librarians Use Online Tools

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

WebJunction, the self-described “learning community working together to ensure that all library staff have the resources they need to power relevant, vibrant libraries” whose mission is “to promote learning for all library staff by providing open, affordable online learning communities” (WebJunction website, “About Us”), recently (July 6, 2011) released the results of their survey of […]

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