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Archive for the 'mash-up' Category

I Am Officially Addicted to Mash-Ups

Friday, July 15th, 2011

In researching the term “mash-up” for this course, I came across several very cool “music video” type mash-ups, and now I am trolling the Internet incessantly, looking for good remixes. (I believe this is still healthier than my previous productive-activity-avoidance technique, which was watching back-to-back episodes of “Maury Povich.”) Rather than send emails to my […]

A Preliminary Definition of “Mash-Up”

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

This has yet to be added to by my study buddy, but it’s a start: A mash-up (sometimes called a web application hybrid) is an application that combines data, content, functionality, presentation, and/or other features and services from at least two different sources in order to produce a new creation. The mash-up may or may […]

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