It’s too late to apologize…it’s too laaate, hey, hey, hey!
Ok well, I hope it’s not too late to say sorry for not posting for two weeks. Life gets busy when you’re working four jobs and doing that thing called being a student. And, as a cash-strapped student living in an expensive town – as many of us are – money and career comes first. It feels good to be done with a big contract job though and to reward myself with my birthday fun and blogging!
My previous post was a blog celebrating getting involved on campus and joining a club. This post has been throwing mighty writer’s block at me. So I decided to just start writing and see where it took my mind. And it took me to a conversation.
On Friday, I was covering an event at the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre for the UBC Botanical Garden – I’m a Marketing & Communications Assistant there through the UBC Work Learn program. I had arrived a little early so I could have time to wander in The Nest, get some cash out. I came upon the new grocery store, Grocery Checkout in The Nest that was “softly” open. I wandered around impressed with the range of healthy foods, the deli meals made fresh in store, the whiteboards that invited suggestions for what products they should carry, and curious to see how they would keep it affordable. I was staring up at the second floor when a friendly employee asked me how I was doing. We talked about their opening, mission, values, and products. I talked about how busy and long my day and week had been, sighing with fatigued happiness but also just fatigue.
“Being busy is good though,” he said to me.
“That’s what people tell me.”
“Yeah, it’s good because it helps you prioritize your time and value it.”
Lightbulb! I never thought of being busy as a vehicle for prioritizing your time, something that gave you the opportunity to understand what matters to you. I am grateful for my busy life because everything I do, I love. That’s a privileged place to be that not many people experience, and it’s taken me a long, winding, arduous road to get to myself.
Random conversation is one of our greatest tools to learn and grow. I love how it can happen in so many unexpected places and ways on campus. UBC brings together tens of thousands of people with tens of thousands of experiences and lessons to share. Today, I’m grateful for this one and I look forward to many more.