My parents came, and went, and I did my laundry.
I also studied until I lost feeling in my legs and had to take a walk. I’m scribbling this in the wee few minutes before I need to leave early for my last mid-term — CPSC 101 — while I crunch away on my cereal. Multi-tasking is the way to go. I’m a bit terrified about this mid-term, to put it lightly. I mean, I think I can read JavaScript code and understand it, but my brain cells jump off metaphorical cliffs whenever I have to write my own from scratch.
That sound, my friends, is the cry of a brain cell when it jumps off said metaphorical cliff. Given that I have multiple brain cells, the sound can get quite loud. I feel sorry for my neighbours.
Here is a Good Tip to those of you who are incoming students: Have a goal of some kind before you start school. Otherwise you will be like me, completely lacking in motivation and doing the bare minimum (or less!) until you check what your grades actually mean in percentages and how this affects you getting into the major/other programme of your choice. I don’t know why I didn’t check it before I moved; for some reason, this was one of those things that I didn’t have a million contingency plans for. Oops.
So now I am flailing around madly trying to make up for all those readings I didn’t do. (I knew that would come back to haunt me someday.) Here is the Second Good Tip: Keep up with all your readings and make notes, if the class is going to test you on them, no matter how inane or monotonous or redundant you think they are. At least that way you don’t have to endure another round of redundancy or monotony or inanity (is that even a word?).
And now I have to run to class.