Things I Love Thursday

I’ve been a little lax writing up my weekly love posts ever since I came back from Hong Kong. But it’s summer, and who am I not to give a little extra thanks to be alive at this moment?

So for all the things I love:

♥ It’s finally getting warmer in dear old Vancouver and the skies are high and blue. I’ve even acquired a pair of sunglasses for the brighter days. (Let’s see how long this pair lasts; I never have good luck with sunglasses.)

♥ I have a new part-time job! I’ve been wanting it for months; the cherry on top is that the Arts Co-op office has approved of the position as a co-op term and I can use it to fulfil my requirements. And I get to decorate the office. Hurrah!

♥ Extra thanks go out to a friend who was on a bus leaving campus and came right back to help me out in my printing (or lack thereof) panic just before my interview. Not everyone would do that.

♥ Speaking of co-op, I was browsing the online materials in the Co-op Vista site and found out that the cover letter I used for my previous co-op term was up there as one of the samples. That was both a bit of a shock and also rather cool.

♥ I’ve been watching this snail climb the outside wall of our house for the past week; it’s now hanging upside-down from the ceiling for all it’s worth. I’m not sure what it thinks it’s doing, but I admire its tenacity.

♥ Long, deep hugs with people who’ve missed you.

♥ Spending time catching up with good friends. I think, on reflection, my Hong Kong trip was actually a little lonely because my parents and friends had to work long hours and we didn’t see much of each other, so it’s been nice to again be around people who know you well.

♥ In between Adele’s ‘Rolling in the Deep’ and this version of ‘Someone Like You’, I have all my musical longings met for this week.


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