Opening Thoughts on Nokia Sustainability Report 2011

As we can see that Nokia suffered a really difficult time in 2011, its sales are falling. Nokia has taken action t obtain sustainability. The CEO of Nokia, Stephen Elop says:” Sustainability has continued to be a core area of focus something right at the heart of Nokia.” For example, Nokia focus on helping next billion people get connected to a digital experience. It helps people and communities get through the difficult time when Nokia during a tough time period.

However, there are still some limitations on Nokia’s sustainability. First of all, Nokia failed to follow the trend of current smartphone market. So Nokia will get less capital to carry out its sustainability plan. It seems that Nokia has spent a long time on sustainability instead of marking or decision making.

Second, the smartphones Nokia designed have disadvantages. It is inconvenient for customers to use. For instance, there is no mass storage mode and no file manager. Nokia should satisfy its customer needs about function of phones and then put effort on sustainability.

Third, the CEO of Nokia, Stephen Elop, made wrong decision that Nokia cooperated with WP. For most customers, they prefer and are familiar with MeeGo or Symbian systems. Elop made the decision against customer’s will.

There is no doubt that Nokia put effort to attain sustainability and contribute to corporate social responsibility. But if Nokia wants to become relevant to today’s fierce smartphone market, it is the high time for Nokia to change their strategies to obtain sustainability.

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Analyses of Chinese elements in the Big Bang Theory













As an American TV series fan, especially a fan of the Big Bang Theory, I find something interesting in this TV series. It is easy to find that the Big Bang Theory inserts some Chinese elements in typical episodes. For example, Sheldon learns to speak Chinese and he eats Chinese food on Thursday. Even in season five, episode 17, there is a bottle of milk produced by a Chinese milk company on the side table in Sheldon’s room.

the one hand, there are some positive effects. First, we know that foreign TV series enjoy great popularities among Chinese audience, so producers of these TV series tends to insert more Chinese profit to earn more. Second, it shows the economic grow in China, because in today’s global market, Chinese companies use TV series to promote their products in an international way. Third, as a Chinese, I am proud that my countries’ culture earns respect from foreigners. They have the enthusiasm to learn Chinese culture.

However, there are some negative misunderstandings. Because the majority of audience is American and the TV series is a comedy, the producer tends to make fun of Chinese to keep the audience’s interest. For example, they say China has sweatshop. However, in China, this bad economic phenomenon has improved a lot. It vividly reveals the foreigners’ misunderstandings about Socialism and Chinese economy.

In a word, as the old saying goes: “Every coin has two sides.” Every Chinese is happy to Chinese elements in American TV series and believes that the misunderstanding will be understood if we take action to change these misunderstandings.



A Successful Commercial

When a video on YouTube has been seen for 4 million in only 4 days, you may think it is concerned with some superstars. However, this time, it is different that the video is a commercial, which made by a tampon delivery company. The company Hello Flo becomes successful for its commercial as well as some other factors.

First, the creative and interesting advertisement called “The Camp Gyno” seems to talk about a story that a girl who is the first to be in period teaches other girls about the period. The company inserted their product into it very nature —– when the girl finds that nobody come to listen her lesson, because they order the “Period Starter Kit” from Hello Flo.


Second, the company provides thoughtful service with customers. Customer pay $14 to $18 a month and then they will receive a box of tampons and things like sweets, which is useful for women both physical and mental.


Third, the company develops product for women in all age. Such as the “Period Starter Kit” is designed for young girls. It also offers different types of flo and customers can get different and suitable products for themselves.


The Product Placement in Films Can Be a Success

Have you ever seen the move “ Transformers”? It is really an exciting film, but a lot of people complain about its product placement, which means the commercials inserted into the film. However, I think product placement can be a success if it is used in a proper way. Here are my examples and analyses.

On the one hand, for the Chinese comedy film “If You Are the One II”, it inserted the commercials in a natural way instead of showing products on purpose. It shows a unique hotel (the hotel connected to a national park with a draw bridge) in Hannan province when the lead roles are travelling together without giving the name that arises people attraction in Hanan and makes it a popular place to go.

One the other hand, it is the “007” series for it make the product placement a culture. This film tend to insert commercials, it reflects the actors and actresses’ positions, occupations. The commercials and the film are a whole. It the product placement is a tradition and a good model to follow.

Therefore, the product placement in films can be a success, if it is place in a natural way and connected with the films closely.


Pinterest: A Unique Kind of Social Networks (In response to Yan Rong’s blog)

As Yan Rong said in the blog ( Here is the link: :”With the increasing number of substitutes, the advantages of Facebook, fun and fresh, are no longer distinguishable. ” I agree with this. There a lot of social networks in today’s internet. Pinterest is an example which is fun and fresh. I haven’t heard Pinterest until yesterday my friend and I analysed this special social networks. I found that it is a really interesting tool on the interet.

It has its PoP that it is a user friendly website. It can raise people’s interest to things that they like as well as you can learn some useful suggestions from others. You can meet friends with same hobbies with you and form a group to make plans to hang out sometimes. Unlike facebook, instagram, it connects different social networking sites and other websites in their website, rather than only focusing on one. Right as the website says: “Pinterest is a tool for collecting and
organizing things you love.” And then you can share it with your friend.

I advocate this kind of social networks for it has a positive effect that it will attract people’s interest to do things. While facebook, instagram only focus on authors’ feeling instead of inspiring others.
