The Product Placement in Films Can Be a Success

Have you ever seen the move “ Transformers”? It is really an exciting film, but a lot of people complain about its product placement, which means the commercials inserted into the film. However, I think product placement can be a success if it is used in a proper way. Here are my examples and analyses.

On the one hand, for the Chinese comedy film “If You Are the One II”, it inserted the commercials in a natural way instead of showing products on purpose. It shows a unique hotel (the hotel connected to a national park with a draw bridge) in Hannan province when the lead roles are travelling together without giving the name that arises people attraction in Hanan and makes it a popular place to go.

One the other hand, it is the “007” series for it make the product placement a culture. This film tend to insert commercials, it reflects the actors and actresses’ positions, occupations. The commercials and the film are a whole. It the product placement is a tradition and a good model to follow.

Therefore, the product placement in films can be a success, if it is place in a natural way and connected with the films closely.


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