Analyses of Chinese elements in the Big Bang Theory













As an American TV series fan, especially a fan of the Big Bang Theory, I find something interesting in this TV series. It is easy to find that the Big Bang Theory inserts some Chinese elements in typical episodes. For example, Sheldon learns to speak Chinese and he eats Chinese food on Thursday. Even in season five, episode 17, there is a bottle of milk produced by a Chinese milk company on the side table in Sheldon’s room.

the one hand, there are some positive effects. First, we know that foreign TV series enjoy great popularities among Chinese audience, so producers of these TV series tends to insert more Chinese profit to earn more. Second, it shows the economic grow in China, because in today’s global market, Chinese companies use TV series to promote their products in an international way. Third, as a Chinese, I am proud that my countries’ culture earns respect from foreigners. They have the enthusiasm to learn Chinese culture.

However, there are some negative misunderstandings. Because the majority of audience is American and the TV series is a comedy, the producer tends to make fun of Chinese to keep the audience’s interest. For example, they say China has sweatshop. However, in China, this bad economic phenomenon has improved a lot. It vividly reveals the foreigners’ misunderstandings about Socialism and Chinese economy.

In a word, as the old saying goes: “Every coin has two sides.” Every Chinese is happy to Chinese elements in American TV series and believes that the misunderstanding will be understood if we take action to change these misunderstandings.



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