How to Improve Social Entrepreneurship Education (In response to Thomas Lawrence, Nelson Phillips, & Paul Tracey’s blog)

As entrepreneurship become more and more important in today’s society, there is an increasingly demand of entrepreneurial education in some universities. However, as Thomas Lawrence, Nelson Phillips, & Paul Tracey say in their blog “Entrepreneurship education”, which I read recently, there are two big challenges: “1) to develop a solid understanding of precisely what social entrepreneurs and innovators actually do, and therefore, what they need to know, and 2) to identify the best ways to organize courses and what to include in terms of course content.”

I strongly agree with these two problems and come up with some improvements.

First, universities should set up entrepreneurship courses to students not only from business schools but also from other faculties. It can give enough opportunities for students who are interested in entrepreneur and it can enhance students’ knowledge of entrepreneur as well as raise their awareness of entrepreneur.

Second, universities should promote the concept of innovation via e-mails, posters and activities. Universities should also encourage students’ innovation for the school and society. It is the high time for students to develop their innovation in universities.

Third, it is important to offer students opportunities to practise what they learn in entrepreneurial education. For example, students can establish their own entrepreneur in universities.



The Importance of strong Organizational Culture (In response to Natasha Perovich’s blog)

Organizational culture has become increasingly important for companies, which want to be more influential around the world. Organizational culture can be vividly revealed from companies’ employees, their product and their working environment. Strong organization culture helps companies unite their employees, operate their plans and make them more profitable efficiently.

A typical example is Google. Google’s strong organization culture can be found in its working place. First, employees are offered free cafeteria during working. It is very considerable. Second, managers show their respect to their employees and work with them. Last but not least, there is a tool in Google called Google-O-Meter, which can gather suggestions from employees. Employees in Google are also encouraged to give feedback to each other.

Google’s strong organizational culture can be found from its promotion and employees they hire. Google is prepared to show its culture public and share its culture with others. The culture of Google is open-minded, determined and Google think highly of ability, rather than experience. As Natasha Perovich says in the blog (This is the link: : “The business must hire people with shared values and conviction.” I agree with it. It shows that, companies attach importance to their core value and want employees to determine the value in order to make the company better.

Action that Google takes to enhance their organizational culture makes Google more influential among their competitors worldwide. Google is a united and efficient company and employees are willing to work in it. The trust between employees and managers is tight. That is what a strong organizational culture brings to Google. Therefore, it is important to have strong organizational culture.


Organizational Culture

The use of information technology makes Taobao a success

Taobao is a online shopping website similar to Amazon in China. In the past November 11, 13, Taobao has earned 35 billion by promotion, compared with past few years data, the sales have increased a lot. Not only increased the sale, but the customer service improved, many customers received their product one day after placing the order. What makes Taobao a big success recently, because of the use of information technology.

First of all, Taobao gathers product information and creates diverse categories of product on their website. Also, customers feel it efficient to find what they want. With the development of technology, more and more people prefer to shop online. Taobao seizes the opportunity and make it convenient for customer.

Second, the merchants in Taobao will receive customer’s reply after finishing one purchase online. These information will be revealed from each merchant’s website, and other buyers will know whether the evaluation of the merchant is good or not. It is a good way for merchant to improve their customer service. For example, customer can receive their product more efficient.

Third, Taobao makes good use of website, weibo (a website like twitter) and other media to promote their discount information. Taobao has its own App as well. By using these methods, it attracts customer to shop online. In the information age, more and more news appears online, if a company can succeed in online promotion, it will make improve their sales.




