Hi all!

This is super late but still, here is my introduction.  My name is Karen!  I’m a first year student, currently living on campus.

I immigrated from China around five years ago.  Language was a huge problem for me at first, and I did loathe the times I made a fool out of myself because of my poor English.  Who’d thought I would be here now?  However, I do have always held a fascination towards words and their strength.  I guess that’s why I decided to enroll in the ArtsOne program.

I would call myself an artist.  I have been drawing for a long time, using both traditional media and digital media.  I focus a lot more on drawing with a tablet now than with a pencil, but I am still used to doodling things on my sketchbook when the inspiration strikes.  I don’t intent to pursue drawing as a career for now, but I can’t imagine not being able to draw one day.

I play a bit of the piano and the trumpet, but I’m not super good at either.  My parents made me learn piano since I was seven, but due to lack of motivation on my part, I only ended up at level eight whereas my other friends who hadn’t been playing as long reached concert level.  I played trumpet for concert and jazz band when I was in highschool, but I stopped playing it when I took the IB program in grade 11.  That doesn’t mean I don’t love music though – I love listening to all kinds of songs.

I’m not sure if I could be defined as an introvert or an extrovert.  I switch between the two very often.  Second thought, maybe more an introvert – however, I would never turn you down if you came up to talk to me.  It’s hard for me to take the first step sometimes, so don’t hesitate to talk to me if I don’t speak to you first.

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