Project Re:Brief

This year, Internet advertising turns 18 years old. For the longest time, Internet has been used to inform, and not used as much to engage and connect. Google however is attempting to change that and take it to a whole new level.

If there is anything that reassures me that marketing is where I want to be, this is it. To me, marketing is not just about inventing new ideas but also about re-inventing novel ones.

Marrying the best of the old and the best of the new can be so inspirational. It’s the perfect mix of refreshing and nostalgia. Re-imagining an iconic idea and bringing it to life with modern technology helps to push the boundaries of advertising. Sometimes we get so caught up with the new trends, the new technology and “jazz” that we forget the raw underlying idea behind a marketing campaign. But Google, together with Coca Cola, mixes ideas and technology so beautifully.

I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but this video really does inspire me! I hope it encourages you to look at ideas and marketing in a new perspective!

1 thought on “Project Re:Brief

  1. Just one word… WOW.
    This just proves that no matter how advance technology becomes, no matter how many new mediums there are, no matter how many new marketing tools are developed, nothing beats creativity. Even at Harvey’s age, not knowing much about today’s technology and tools, he managed to help create something magical. This video helped me remember exactly why I love Advertising/Marketing. One creative person can start with a simple idea and can start evolving with input from other creative people, which in turn, create something the world has never seen.
    Just one more word…Inspired.

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