HootSuite: social media made easy

With social media becoming increasingly vital in a brand’s marketing strategy, marketers are finding themselves juggling (and struggling with) multiple accounts across a whole array of networks. Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Foursqure… the list just continues! With so many statuses to update in a time crunch, organization is key.

HootSuite, a social media management tool, allows users to track campaigns and engage daily on various social media platforms. Its dashboard allows you to set up streams for the different types of content you want to monitor, including news feeds and mentions. These can then be organized via customizable tabs (e.g. account/content/specific hashtags). Batch scheduling is another useful tool that allows pre-schedule messages, which allows users to optimize peak traffic times.

The video below summarizes some of HootSuite’s features but there is just so much more you can do with it! There’s also built-in social analytic reports which weren’t covered in the video but is most definitely vital in a firm’s measure of success.

Social Media may be overwhelming but the trick is to prowl around the web to find resources to help you. Tricks and tips are easily available and tools like HootSuite helps make an otherwise daunting task much more streamlined! HootSuite does a great job at simplifying and focusing on key aspects of social media for you.

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HootSuite University