10 Minutes of Fame – Khan Academy

Khan Academy (Math, Science, Economics, History resource K-12, Computer Science)



–        What is Khan Academy?

–        Pros and Cons

–        How does it relate to ICT and why do we care?

Khan Academy is an online resource that provides thousands of instructional videos teaching math, science, and some economics and history. It’s designed to be used by teachers, parents and students to teach and provide practice. Users can discuss ideas and questions underneath videos so students working on the same problem can collaborate together if necessary.


–         Can sign in with google account or Facebook account.

–         Can create account for teachers, parents, students

–         Can invite students or have them join you, using a login code

–         Can manage student files, chart/track and report progress (coaching)

–         Large collection of online videos for “coaching” (for students and educators)

Example: Adding two digit numbers (no carrying): Adding Whole Numbers and Applications 1

–         Lessons are re-playable

–         Clear explanations done “blackboard style”

–         Can be used for tutoring, students on IEPs (gifted or otherwise), supplement concepts in class

–         Focused on mastery

–         Badges and points to act as incentives

–         Can select specific concepts for each student

–         Over 2,300 lessons online

–         It’s FREE!


–         Should NOT replace classroom teaching. Technology cannot replace good teachers

–         Khan lessons do not teach multiple methods (they teach their way – that’s it!)

–         Chances are if a student is behind in a subject, a clear explanation isn’t going too help much

–         There’s not a lot of practice within concepts

–         “Khan essentially teaching old things in new ways” (M. Prensky, 2011) -> dynamic conservatism

–         American curriculum

–         Clear explanations may not work for all learners

–         Visuals are basic

So what does this have to do with ICT and who cares?

While Khan has done some amazing work, he’s still carrying on with old practices presented in new ways. The concern is that people like Bill Gates are touting Khan’s model as the way education needs to head. If education starts moving in that direction, the model described by Will Richardson in “Why School” becomes disturbingly possibly. Prensky prefers to look at resources like Khan Academy as a beginning. There are certainly benefits of having such a well developed resource that students can access from home. All parties can be involved and everyone can track their own progress. Free resources with education at heart can’t be a bad thing.

So what’s the next step?




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