Design of TELEs

An ideal pedagogical design of a technology-enhanced learning experience should be framed within discipline-specific pedagogy and a model for selecting and applying appropriate technology. I’d use the SECTIONS framework as informed by TPCK and the ADDIE model.

SECTIONS: Students, Ease of use, Cost, Teaching/Learning, Interactivity, Organization, Networking, Security/Privacy


Teaching/Learning – What are the learning outcomes and skills students need to demonstrate? Based on the discipline, what are the conventions and challenges that novices experience? This analysis should be framed within learning theories (e.g., behaviourist, cognitivist, constructivist, developmental) and the philosophy of learning as dictated by the discipline

Students – Identify their preconceptions, prior knowledge/skills, preferences, and readiness.

Interactivity – Given the instructional goals and student assessment, how might assessment and technology be used for interaction between teachers, students, and content? Determine how learning will look in terms of a blended or fully online model.

Ease of Use – Given student and teacher readiness and technological proficiency, what orientation and transition is required?

Cost – Consider the accessibility of the technological implementation in terms of money and time.


Teaching/Learning/Students/Interactivity/Ease of use – Create a learner journey based on the student profiles. Populate the journey with assessment and interactions with others and content. Identify areas where there may be more challenges, populate with resources/interventions and alternate paths.

Networking – Consider the role of external resources and other experts. How might these individuals offer opportunity for collaboration and mentorship?

Organization – What resources within the institution are available to support the development and design of TELEs?

Security/Privacy – Review the security and privacy of the selected technology


Organization – Connect with colleagues and formatively assess progress


Launch the TELE


Collect learner feedback (perceptions of learning, actual learning) and teacher feedback (ease of use, perception of learning, challenges). Iterate upon the design.

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