LfU and T-GEM challenges

I might be ahead of the current discussions and am waiting to see what is discussed in the LfU forum, but I’m finding that I’m having difficulty separating LfU and T-GEM from SKI.

My sample lesson for LfU reminds me of SKI because it does scaffold learning while using a constructivist cycle of motivation, knowledge construction, and knowledge refinement. For SKI, I used disequilibrium to introduce motivation (although this may have been more to engage in preconceptions rather than to get students goal oriented). I’m currently working on my T-GEM post and find that it’s like an in-person version of SKI. Maybe these models are more similar than they are different?

Perhaps the other challenge that’s hanging over this is that all the methods are constructivist and since they are all from the same learning theory, there is significant overlap with the strategies.

As I read what my peers have written, I hope to get better insights into how these models are different and how they are similar. Moving towards the synthesis discussion will also help me consolidate my learning.

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