SKI vs. LfU: It’s starting to make more sense

I’m glad that a peer commented on my confusion of SKI vs. LfU and has helped me better understand the difference.

SKI – focusses on creating materials to promote integration. It does not necessarily need to include activities

LfU – focusses on creating activities for each learning objective through the cycle of motivation (demand, curiousity), knowledge construction (observe, communicate), knowledge refinement (apply, reflect)

As I look at this again, SKI appears to be more cognitivist as it’s focussing on how the material is organized and mapping out the learning journey. This makes sense for WISE as a plug and play/re-mix platform for other users to modify. SKI focusses on scaffolding and opening potential opportunities for inquiry, but this is more dependent on the learner to take action.

In contrast, LfU appears to link itself more to trying to solve a problem and taking learning into an applied field. This project/problem based approach is more constructivist. As students may end up learning different concepts or pushing their inquiry in a different direction, the learning opportunities are more diverse. The LfU cycle causes students to take option because of the motivation step.

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