TELE Synthesis: Connections to Engineering Design

In a colleague’s post, she mentioned how the TELEs do the same thing. I realized that this has strong parallels with engineering design! The function of the TELEs is the same, but the means of achieving the function are different.

Engineering Design Example

I think this analogy will help illuminate how achieving the same function through different means leads to a different experience.

In the case of the TELEs, we want our students to learn. In my example, we’ll start with a client statement and translate it into some engineering terms.

Client Statement: I want a bag to carry my stuff.

Client Need: Transport of mass

Function: Transport mass

Although the client wants a bag, the function is actually to transport mass. Here are some possible solutions:

  • a bag
  • a cart
  • a delivery service
  • a personal assistant
  • a sled led by dogs

Although some of these solutions appear nonsensical, they can all achieve the same function. However, the experience will be different for each one. What I haven’t considered in the design example is the broader considerations (e.g., objectives, constraints) and other aspects like the stakeholders and service environment. These considerations would impact the recommended solution.


Parallels to TELEs

In our case, the TELEs share the same function of learning. However, the means to achieve this are different. The locus of action (who is doing the constructing?) and how this is occurring (e.g., activity, concepts) differ.

The TELEs can be used in conjunction with each other. The selection and design of the TELEs will depend on the teacher, students, availability of technology, time, and other classroom requirements.

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