Hello! Welcome to my blog exploration.

My name is Linda and I’m currently a Masters in Educational Technology student at the University of British Columbia.

This blog will include some of my course work as well as my reflections on course readings.

A bit about me

I’ve been traditionally trained to be a high school teacher, but my eclectic work experiences have led me to my current role at the University of Toronto. I am a course and educational technology assistant for a large first year engineering design course.

I love podcasts and good design.

Why I’m taking this course

Text technologies is part of the course title and it caught my eye when I initially planned my courses. Having had video and audio experience at a start up, I remembered how bizarre it was to have to teach in a video format with no interaction with my students. Through the countless hours of having to listen to myself teach with just audio, I realized that the organic nature of face-to-face conversation gets lost and muddled.

Coupling this with my experiences as an online student, I find the everything is so text heavy! I don’t really see much communication in my online classes that is not through text. However, isn’t that just how we communicate?

With this in mind, I wanted to explore this course and learn more about how text has impacted us and how this shapes our digital experiences.