Is Safaricom setting a good example?

Kenya has been on the list of Africa’s most corrupt countries. Truth be told, corruption has rampant over the past few decades. Safaricom, Kenya’s leading mobile operator, has decided to take ethical issues very seriously by daring to fire and prosecute its employees associated with fraud, bribes and other corrupt actions. The cases of fraud associated with Safaricom mobile services,Mshwari and Mpesa, have been tarnishing Kenyans’ view about the safety of their money. Back in Kenya, I am not such a frequent user of these services but the actions taken by Safaricom to improve their services is persuading me otherwise. The company is not only facing ethical issues by eradicating corruption but also it recently established a sustainability report that looks at their impact on the environment, economy and gender inequalities with its company’s employment. They are also focused on their corporate social responsibility by providing social amenities for its employees and society as a general. Companies in Kenya should follow suite and adopt such measures to curb unethical issues.


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