Value of Brand Image


According to an interesting blog by Andrew VanderPloeg, the value of a strong brand image is crucial. The author states that successful branding for any organization allows the consumers know what the company is all about. The development of branding starts with the logo, which is used as a benchmark to promote the company.

The logo is a crucial factor in creating brand image as provides a visual and mental ‘hook’. For example, Pepsi spent $1,000,000 to improve its logo in 2008 and then to update all of their marketing and advertising to align with the new design. This shows that, in the world of marketing, consumers are not always buying the product because of its quality but its symbol. An effective logo allows the consumers identify the business in a way that is memorable.

Through brand image, the company is able to attach a price beyond the product. The value proposition is not about the product but it is the emotions of the consumers to motivate them to try the brand. Thus, to develop a successful brand, the business should choose their point of difference to appeal to the consumers and use the brand image to symbolize the business in the market.


Work Cited

VanderPloeg, Andrew. “The Value Of a Strong Brand Image.” The Radiant Blog. N.p., 19 Apr. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. <>.

The Arc Initiative and Social Enterprise


“If  the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”

Even though if the United Nations was fully funded, the society still needs initiatives like the Arc and social enterprises to solve issues in the long run. The UN tends to help the developing countries in the short run by providing food for children under UNICEF. In contrast, the Arc and social enterprise focuses on the long run by offering internships, workshops, and mentoring service for entrepreneurs. This valuable opportunity will allow the developing countries to become more stable and independent in the long run. If the UN continues to solve the problems directly, the countries will be incapable of reducing poverty.

Many of the Arc entrepreneurs demonstrate great examples of creating shared value through its business and the communities. With the unique differentiation strategies, the social enterprises can increase both private and social benefits. For example, Salem Kasshun’s craft boutique business provided workers with income ranging from $1100 to $2100 CAD compared to the average annual income of $170.

Conclusively, if the UN was fully funded, the outcome will be inefficient because the developing countries will become more dependent. Therefore, by identifying the problems and providing opportunities to bring positive change, the Arc and social enterprise will allow the entrepreneurs to drive the economy.


Work Cited

“What Is Social Entrepreneurship?” Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014. <>.

“Sauder School of Business.” The Arc Initiative. N.p., 7 Oct. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. <>.

Kroeker, Jeff. “Can Fair Trade Boutique Expand without Alienating Customers?” The Globe and Mail. N.p., 13 July 2012. Web. 09 Nov. 2014. <>.

Starbucks’ Delivery Service


After reporting disappointing quarterly sales, Starbucks has announced that it will deliver coffee to parts of U.S. through its mobile app starting in 2015. Also, Starbucks plans to innovate by offering preorders of coffee to get people in and out faster. By creating points of difference, Starbucks will be able to attract new customers, increase customer loyalty, and allow the company to grow. Since Starbucks has loyal customers and the line-ups at Starbucks are extremely long, it is likely to increase profits.

In contrast, the initial cost of starting a delivery service will create a sunk cost for the company and the workers may not be as productive in the beginning. If the delivery time takes too long, the coffee may not be as fresh, leaving the customers dissatisfied. As delivery will increase the cost and the price will increase, the price charged on delivery may decrease the quantity demanded. If Starbucks is able to keep the delivery fees low, it is likely to become successful. By offering delivery, Starbucks will be able to raise what it can offer and continually grow and advance from the low sales.


Work Cited

Choi, Candice. “Starbucks’ next Big Move: Delivery | Toronto Star.” N.p., 31 Oct. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. <>.

Response to Raza Razi’s Blog Post on Business Laws


Comments on Raza’s Blog Post: Business Laws- A Fair Deal?

Although unregulated businesses are seen to be more successful to prosper, the laissez-faire economy can lead to business ethical issues. From class3, Milton Friedman stated that business managers should not break the law or commit fraud. Thus, without business laws, companies are more likely to ignore business ethics by exploiting workers. The people and planet from the triple bottom line may be ignored, as profit maximization will be the main focus of the business. For instance, in the 1920’s, the American economy suffered from the Great Depression with the laissez-faire policy in place.

As Raza mentioned, abating or eliminating certain laws can pressure smaller businesses much more than large corporations. Large corporations will be ableto reduce their costs more easily compared to smaller businesses, allowing the corporation to increase profit. It is highly likely that an oligopoly will be formed, strangling the small businesses. It is true that too many regulations can restrict companies to increase their profits. However, it is essential to realize that regulations and laws can protect not only the workers and consumers, but also the suppliers. Therefore, with reasonable amount of government regulations, the economy may be able to prosper, while operating with CSR perspective.


Work Cited

Razi, Raza. “Raza Razi’s Blog.” Raza Razis Blog. UBC Blogs, 30 Sept. 2014. Web. 02 Nov. 2014. <>.

Bouw, Brenda. “New Anti-spam Law ‘a Big Deal’ for Small Businesses.”The Globe and Mail. N.p., 24 Mar. 2014. Web. 02 Nov. 2014. <>.

Wow Air: $99 Flights Across the Atlantic


Would you like to pay less for your airline ticket?

Recently, Wow Air, a new discount air carrier, launched a $99 fare across the Atlantic, targeting at the lower and middle class by using the cost leadership strategy from the Porter’s Generic Strategies. In contrast, the average ticket is around $770 for single stop and $800 for nonstop tickets. However, Wow Air’s unbelievably low-ticket prices will be only for introductory fares but the airlines plans to offer the lowest price in the market. Occasionally, the company plans to have similar fare rates as the introductory fare.

Many consumers may be skeptical of this deal. The main reason behind this low price is due to its headquarters, located in Iceland. The location will allow the airplanes to stop to refuel at a midpoint. Also, since carrying the large amounts of fuel costs more due to its weight, it will allow the airline to save money by going shorter distances and indirectly develop corporate social responsibility by reducing pollution. This may be difficult for the company to persuade its consumers but this allows several hundred dollars in savings so it is likely to become successful.


Work Cited

Fredman, Roberto A. “Wow Air Launches $99 Fares across Atlantic.”Gloucester Daily Times. The Washington Post, 30 Oct. 2014. Web. 01 Nov. 2014. <>.