blog 5–The success of “no brand goods”

The success of “no brand goods”

The products of “MUJI”, a Japanese retailed company, which means “no brand quality goods”. “The company’s basic principle is to develop new simple products at reasonable prices by making the best use of materials while considering environmental issues”(MUJI).

What the company trying to do is creating the best products that can benefit customers’ life. Take one of the lamp from MUJI for example, on the base of the lamp, there is hollow.  The MUJI’s employees realized that before sleeping the last thing people usually do is taking off their glasses, then turn off the light. So the people can put the glasses in the hollow, in case they have to looking for them difficultly. They go to detail to meet customers’ needs.

The philosophy it imports to customers is that all they trying to do is just want to give people a simple and comfortable lifestyle.So we might think that sometime the company should put more concern on our “customers” that our “profit”.


picture resource:×409/cd_player.jpg


blog 4

The Fast Fashion

Rosalia Mera, the richest woman in Spanish has died, when she was 69. She co-founded Zara, which becomes the world’s largest fashion retailer. It sells the fashionable products with the cheap price. It makes dress fashion, which used to be connect with the rich, become affordable for everyone. It successfully establish a popularized fashion brand, with “fast fashion”. It is claimed that Zara needs just two weeks (businessweek) to develop a new product and get it to stores, compared to the six-month industry average, and launches around 10,000 new designs each year.

The fast fashion causes problems, at the same time. Lots of luxury brands accuse for palming off and unjustified competing. Zara pays almost billions of euros for the penalty every year.

All in all, Zara gain its success.The Fashion Director Daniel Piette described Zara as “possibly the most innovative and devastating retailer in the world.”

blog 3

Very rare known that the price labeled in a luxury goods could be ten times higher than its original cost. A Louis Vuitton canvas bag with the price of $900, actually used the cost of about $80. But why there are still people pursuit the luxury goods? The reasons are a lot.

Firstly, luxury usually come with the high quality. Then, the improvement in living standard. As people become wealthier, they are willing to buy more and more luxury. Finally, people’s vanity. The goods is able to give people confidence by showing the “status symbols”, to some extent. Also those labels are bot only sell the goods but the services for the customers.

Customers, most of whom are from the mainland, line up outside an LV store in Hong Kong. (China Daily)



Once said accountants are just like the doctors for a company or an individual. They are asked to diagnose whether the company is sound. What’s its weakness? How to treat it? The mistake made by accountants can directly influence thousands of investors’ assets.

Accounting is a glorious but misunderstood field. The popular view is that it’s mostly mind-numbing number-crunching; it certainly has some of that, but it’s also a rich intellectual pursuit with an abundance of compelling and controversial issues. Accountants are often stereotyped as soulless drones laboring listlessly in the bowels of corporate bureaucracies.(

Accountant do play an essential role in business, which could be conclude into accounting and supervision(to ensure manager’s responsibility and firm’s sustainable development).