#7 Singels’ Day and online shopping

December 11th is a special day for young Chinese to celebrate their bachelor life. The reason for choosing this particular date is that there is four “1”, which represent the “single”. And at the same day, there is another important event for Chinese, which is “one-day shopping”.  It is said that online seller make up with this idea, because singles, unlike others who always are with their spouse, they are usually free.They can do something, like going shopping, that can kill their time.

In just 24 hours, Chinese shoppers splurged a jaw-dropping record CNY 35.01 billion ($5.7 billion) in the 11.11  Shopping Festival held by e-commerce giant Alibaba —  China’s answer to America’s Cyber Monday shopping bonanza (TNW). Five years ago, the online shopping was mainly distributed on closing, home furnishing and so on. Nowadays, buyers’ aims expand to the products like vehicles, houses.

“the current people online:1.7 million ”

Picture resource http://live.kankanews.com/it/2013-11-11/3189917.shtml


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