
Supplemental Application Part 1

My first submission is a compliation of three pictures that show my stage experience.  These pictures are from the Sir John Franklin Drama Department’s Fall 2017 show, Beauty and The Beast. This production was a group effort, my role in this production was as an actor.

In the picture above, you see me as my main role, “Babette” or more commonly known as the enchanted feather duster.

In this photo you can see me in the centre of the stage, leading a bow.

Here I am located on the very left in the blue dress. I am playing a “Silly Girl”, otherwise known as one of Gaston’s loyal groupies, or one of Belle’s relentless bullies.

Supplemental Application Part 3

Below is a link to a small video I made about my interest in UBC’s Media Studies program.

This concludes my Online Digital Portfolio portion of my Supplemental Application. With each submission there is a small summary of what the submission is. All of these short summaries together make my 300 word summary of my portfolio. I hope this is enjoyed, thank you for your consideration.


Supplemental Application Part 2

Below is a screenplay I have written and plan to create. I have chosen to present this screenplay as it is short, simple and clean.

Simple Short Film Script (Short)