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Hi everyone and welcome to the home page for our English 470 conference group.

Course Goals:

English 470 is a course that is focused primarily on the development of Canadian literature. This course has examined the intersections and differences between stories that European descendants and Aboriginals tell, and has brought up how those socialized by Western society approach stories. We have learned about the effects that stories have on our perceptions, and how our stories shape our lives. We have also examined orality and text-based literature as two styles of story-telling, and the merits and significance of both as equally valid methods.  For this course, our class is required to work in groups to come up with a possible intervention to promote and define Canadian literature. We are encouraged to explore the ways that allow the Canadian literary output to remain relevant to every citizen in this diverse nation.

Conference Goals:

For this conference, our group would like to explore the meaning of nationalism and how it pertains to the idea of Canadian literature. What belongs to Canadian literature? Who are the agents that shape the perceptions and boundaries of this literature? How does history, language, government and culture empower or obstruct its development? These will be the questions that we will explore in this online conference.

Research Concerns:

-Respecting the diversity of Canada from Vancouver out.

-Observing the effects of cultural education on reducing discrimination, and improving knowledge and relations.

-Evaluating the efficiency of Pen Pal programs as a culturally relevant educational tool.

-Researching the different experiences faced by Canadians in different provinces and communities.

“My work is very different from traditional art work. How do you paint a land claim? You can’t carve a totem pole that has a beer bottle on it… I paint this for what it is – a very toxic land base. This is what my ancestral motherland is becoming.”
— Lawrence Paul Yuxwelupton


Works Cited:

The Gertrudes. “One Almighty Nation.” Youtube. Amanda Strong. 9 Jan. 2015. Web. 24 July 2015.

Yuxweluptun, Lawrence Paul. “Red Man Watching White Man Trying to Fix A Hole in the Sky.” Canadian Art Junkie. National Gallery of Canada. 1 Apr. 2013. Web. 28 July 2015.

“Cropped copy of maple leaves.” The Crux of the Matter., Sept 2014. Web. 14 Aug. 2015.