Activity 1.4- Defining Terms

1. What do the words “text” and “technology” mean to you?

Prior to conducting any external research or doing any reading, I would currently define text as any medium produced by humankind for the purpose of communicating ideas, knowledge, thoughts, or feelings. This is a concept that has been shifting for me over the past several years, as I previously felt that my formal educational experience referred to texts as exclusively traditional writing, such as books, journals articles, or peer reviews.

The definition of technology for me is the application of tools or scientific advancement to further problem-solving efforts or our understanding of the world around us.

2. Internet Age Words

Some additional words with new technological aged definitions that come to my mind after listening to Berkowitz’s recording include:

  • Ping: referring to the speed of internet connection
  • Block: Restrict an individual’s access to social media profiles.
  • Swipe: Referring to the action of engaging with a software program

3.Oxford English Dictionary Definitions and Etymology


  • “The wording of anything written or printed; the structure formed by the words in their order; the very words, phrases, and sentences as written.”
  • “Applied vaguely to an original or authority whose words are quoted. Obsolete.”
  • “figurative or in allusive use.”
  • “The wording adopted by an editor as (in his or her opinion) most nearly representing the author’s original work; a book or edition containing this; also, with qualification, any form in which a writing exists or is current, as a good textbad textcorrupt textcritical textreceived text.”

Oxford English Dictionary. (n.d.). Text. In Oxford English dictionary. Retrieved September 11th, 2021. from

After examining the entomology of the root word “text” and those words based upon it, I noticed a pattern of text referring to weaving together small components to form messages. This is similar to the woven nature of textile materials or how one may describe the texture of an object. The majority of early usage referred to written messaging, particularly with a religious context, however many definitions are now obsolete, showing their evolution over time.


  • “The branch of knowledge dealing with the mechanical arts and applied sciences; the study of this.”
  • “The application of such knowledge for practical purposes, esp. in industry, manufacturing, etc.; the sphere of activity concerned with this; the mechanical arts and applied sciences collectively.”
  • “The product of such application; technological knowledge or know-how; a technological process, method, or technique. Also: machinery, equipment, etc., developed from the practical application of scientific and technical knowledge; an example of this. Also in extended use.”

Oxford English Dictionary. (n.d.). Technology. In Oxford English dictionary. Retrieved September 11th, 2021. from

After examining the entomology of the root word “techno” and those words based upon it, including technology, I noticed a pattern of interconnectedness and the definitions being based on the weaving together of different technologies. There is a definite element of human creativity, going back to the Sanskrit-to fashion and the ancient Greek referring to carpentry. It reinforces the idea for me that technology is ever-evolving and scaffolded from previous technological advancements.


4. Graph the Usage of the terms over time with Google Ngram Viewer

Examining the patterns, in the 1500s, peaks in the occurrence of the term “text” are followed by increasing occurrences of the term “technology”, suggesting that the introduction of new texts directly contributes to the development of new technology. Both terms see a significant decrease in occurrence until the 1960s, where the occurrence of the term “technology” overtakes “text” for the first time. This may suggest a shift towards the technological revolution and building on new technology-based ideas rather than pre-existing texts.


5. Consider the following questions or come up with questions of your own

Technology is related to text in the sense that both are based upon the assembly of small pieces or components into something greater. Both can be used to communicate meanings or ideas, based upon what came previously.

Some events that may have affected the occurrence of the terms over time

  • 1964: World’s Fair featuring computers by IBM and introduction of the world’s fastest supercomputer
  • 1969– the invention of the node to node internet connection, followed closely by the occurrence of technology term
  • 1990– the invention of the World Wide Web, the peak of occurrence of technology term


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