Monthly Archives: October 2015

How global climate change will change American military decisions

The climate issue is not a potential threat to U.S. any more. Pentagon: global warming will change how US military trains and goes to warMore and more phenomenon (most of them are natural disasters: rising sea level, droughts and heat waves) are indicating the military system have to take climate change into great consideration. For instance, the hotter temperature may cause a higher rate of troops’ infection diseases.

Global warming is changing the way the US trains for and goes to war – affecting war games, weapons systems, training exercises, and military installations

– according to the Pentagon.

The picture below showed Texas landscape in the aftermath of hurricane Ike.Global-warming-and-climat-009

To face the challenge and try to adapt to the worse natural environment, the military sectors are undertaking sweeping changes. A quite difference has been made in ways of operating and making day-to-day decisions. Such as war games and training exercises. They set 7,000 new sets because of the exposure in extreme weather events. Also, the melting permafrost forced land-based installations to shift. Some sudden heat and dust even cut outdoor training off. Besides, it is quite a great battle never been considered for the countries around the world to get the nature resources (deposited oil and gas) from the melting Artic.

As far as I am concerned, thinking about the consequences and impact before we make any decisions is necessary. It is our responsibility to make efforts to protect environment and solve conflicts in a peaceful way. Planning for future can help us to lower the risks and climate-related costs as well as make the world a better place with sustainability.

Comment on VW cheating scandal issue

Recently, the scandal issue of Germany brand Volkswagen has quickly came into our view. This may pose a threat to the existence of the company. Using a setting up software to hide the true emissions for years with the purpose of decreasing cost so as to gain more profit. However, this dishonest action put VW into a dangerous situation.


The diesel-emissions had a significant negative impact both on VW brand and the whole Germany motor industry. The illegal diesel-emissions are 40 times far more than the normal ones, which is a huge damage to the environment. Meanwhile, this unethical action made other competitors occupy an unfair position, which may leads to an unbalanced and unhealthy market. Most importantly, due to the greedy psychology of the several engineers working in VW, the good reputation of VW brand and Germany motor industry has gone with the wind. “We will do everything possible to win back your trust.” VW used the whole page of the newspaper instead of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Germany industry.

The VW made the worst attempt to take chances to break to meet its greedy at the cost of ruining the environment and cheating. It is universally acknowledged that German is the best producer with high quality and good reputation. Nevertheless, after this unethical thing, VW has to pay tough effort and seems impossible to maintain its position in the industry.

Volkswagen to hold unprecedented board meeting, sources say

Comment on the LG’s new positioning

According to Lara O’ Reilly (August 2nd 2013 The Market Week published),LG rolls out new positioning to add ‘warmth’ to the brand LG is trying to bring the brand a “warmth” by rolling out new positioning of “It is all possible” through global market campaign. The new position indicates the concept of an unlimited lifestyle.

LG logo

Undoubtedly, this new positioning can bring vigor to the brand and draw consumers’ attention. Since the development of people’s life quality recent years, people are more desirable to live enjoyable and relaxing life. This time, LG focuses more on advertising rather than high-tech. To illustrate, LG can communicate better and delivering the idea of getting life better. Meanwhile, a series of relative product delivering the same concept are coming out soon at the same time. Such as the high-tech television (with key partner-B Sky B) and the flagship smartphone G2. Thus this more human-level product can be convincible and close to life. In this case, LG can increase its market share as well as provide a better quality life for consumers.

As far as I am concerned, LG takes a good action this time to maintain its value proposition. Using As for positioning perceptions, LG does a good job to occupy “the top of the ladder” to deliver the concept of the brand. With respect to the points of different, LG creates its identification to get in to consumers’ minds.. LG seize this opportunity to drive the brand to success.


Analysis of Youtube’s music service exploration in Canada

According to the “The Global and Mail” in November 2014(by O’kane Josh)YouTube set to launch music service youtube is extending its business by entering the music field. As a widely used social network application, based on its unique popularity in individuals, this new “youtube music key” stream service is bringing a revolution to global music market.

youtube_logo_detail-mobile               stream-music-audio-youtube

As for the advantages, we can clearly see a revolution in music service (the vanishing recorded music as well as buying individual songs in apple store). In other words, it is more convenient to listen what you want at any time unlimited as long as you have already paid for the member fee for $10 per month. Compared with the apple’s itunes service, All-You-Can-Stream fashionable service is more attractive among the young generation.

On top of that, it is also striking to note that the access in other countries have already had terrific responses. Youtube music key has already reached a royalty agreement with the “three big” major labels (Sony, Universal and Warner). Also in the past few years, the market share of stream music has almost doubled, which can provide youtube music key a good platform with opportunities in the further development.

However, we should never oversimplify the situation. Some coming risks and challenges are not ignorable. For instance, this action may pose a threat to the Spotify (which is an existing music-streaming music service). As far as I am concerned, since the similarity of these tow music service, an effective solution must come out to deal with this ethic issue.

Besides, the profit is long-term cause of the previous payment for the music’s creator and record labels. “Unless YouTube can deliver far more subscribers than other music services did in their first years, it would be held up as an underachiever,” musical analyst Mark Mulligan commented.

Basically, the advantages of this action undoubtedly overweigh its disadvantages. Meeting the tendency of music becoming electronic, youtube music key can cater for the needs of consumers all over the world. In this case, it can gain more market share and get good prospect for development.