How global climate change will change American military decisions

The climate issue is not a potential threat to U.S. any more. Pentagon: global warming will change how US military trains and goes to warMore and more phenomenon (most of them are natural disasters: rising sea level, droughts and heat waves) are indicating the military system have to take climate change into great consideration. For instance, the hotter temperature may cause a higher rate of troops’ infection diseases.

Global warming is changing the way the US trains for and goes to war – affecting war games, weapons systems, training exercises, and military installations

– according to the Pentagon.

The picture below showed Texas landscape in the aftermath of hurricane Ike.Global-warming-and-climat-009

To face the challenge and try to adapt to the worse natural environment, the military sectors are undertaking sweeping changes. A quite difference has been made in ways of operating and making day-to-day decisions. Such as war games and training exercises. They set 7,000 new sets because of the exposure in extreme weather events. Also, the melting permafrost forced land-based installations to shift. Some sudden heat and dust even cut outdoor training off. Besides, it is quite a great battle never been considered for the countries around the world to get the nature resources (deposited oil and gas) from the melting Artic.

As far as I am concerned, thinking about the consequences and impact before we make any decisions is necessary. It is our responsibility to make efforts to protect environment and solve conflicts in a peaceful way. Planning for future can help us to lower the risks and climate-related costs as well as make the world a better place with sustainability.

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