Monthly Archives: November 2015

How will Canada deal with the aging problem?

Recently, Troy has written an article regarding Canadian serious aging problem. CANADA’S AGING POPULATION In his blog, he indicates that there will be a huge burden posing on government’s budget because of the growing number of retired seniors’ pension.

To be more specific, seniors only occupied 12.6 percent of the population but required 43 percent of total healthcare spending. Canada Age structure Even worse, this percentage will go up in the few coming decades according to the demographic data collected. Meanwhile, Vacuums in social security and pension system needs filling as well.


Another issue being concerned was the change in job landscape. Nowadays, when it comes to pursuing a future career, teenagers preferred to go to university for academic seeking instead of serving their apprenticeship. Nonetheless, from the data collected, those who become a carpenter or electricians in the future are much lucrative and more likely to contribute to the society. And demands for tradesmen will increase in the following decades with the diminishing quantity, explicit or not.

As far as I am concerned, a proper policy should be established so as to encourage youngsters to consider choosing those lucrative and useful fields as their career choice.


Comment on Hershey’s locally sourced ingredient using

Having read the blog of Kevin, HERSHEY’S NOW USING LOCALLY SOURCED INGREDIENTSI have learnt a lot from how Hershey made market strategic decision. The company would launch Hershey’s Kisses and milk chocolate with total original ingredients. Hershey’s to cut artificial flavors, switch to locally sourced ingredients in chocolate.They plan to bring all of the chocolates under classification of being natural and simpler in one year.

Hershey's chocolate bars are shown in this photo illustration in Encinitas, California January 29, 2015. REUTERS/Mike Blake

Hershey’s chocolate bars are shown in this photo illustration in Encinitas, California January 29, 2015. REUTERS/Mike Blake.


With the development of technology, significant growth in artificial production were boomed.  On the contrary, there is a tendency of  natural and healthy flavour. As a consequence, demand of more less-processed food has sharply increased. Therefore, the company would regard this season as an opportunity to get ahead in the market. The new Kisses and milk chocolate bars will be made using locally sourced milk, cane sugar and contain natural flavors, the company said.

In Kevin’s article, he explained the reason why this company chose to make change even if it definitely will increase production costs. He thought each company should adjust itself to follow consumers’ preferences and tastes. As far as I am concerned, only in this way can the company be competitive in the market. It is not only about the concerns for consumers’ health, but also for a long-term profit.

Is One-for-one business sustainable?

The so-called “One-to-one business model”(implemented by Tom Shoes) was established by Seven Fund, which was a social venture fund. One-for-one business model is to give away one pair of shoes when a pair of shoes was sold. The One-for-one Business Model: Avoiding Unintended ConsequencesThe main purpose of this business model is to help people in poverty.

Interestingly, there is another unintended benefit came with this business. We know from research that people are most motivated to help when they feel a connection to those whom they are helping. (By Deborah Small). Maybe this is the best explanation of the psychological thoughts when people are purchasing the shoes in Tom Shoes. When you are feeling that you are really helping others, then you are more willing to offer your help. In this case, not only can more and more people get donations, but also the sales in the company are stimulated.

During the following years since Tom Shoes implemented its one-for-one business, a few companies followed Tom’s step and sold a wide range of products.

However, in most cases, situations are much more complicated. “No charge for shoes” will cause majority of local small-and-medium sized companies facing the plight of shut down., which may leads to revenges. Also chaotic violence will appear because of the higher rate of unemployment.

As far as I am concerned, the best way to help those in poverty is to provide job opportunities and support for technologies, so as to help them find a way to earn a living and develop rather than relying on donations.

Nordstrom’s slow, cautious entering into Canada

On September 18th this year, the sixth Nordstrom store opened in Vancouver. This important decision took a long time and finally made after years of research and consideration.

Generally speaking, Canadian luxury market is similar to America but in fact not quite the same. For instance, the regulation for trading, taxes, duties and currency conversation are different. And even in America, this local brand suffered from huge losses in the passed 2 years, $14million in 2013 and $35 million in 2014 respectively. Therefore, it is a serious problem whether the Nordstrom’s entrance fits Canadian market. Only after carefully considering these upcoming problems, can Canadian executive division make the decision to expand its business in Canada every time.

Physically speaking Nordstrom is hopefully to have a bright future. Unlike Nordstrom in America, those in Canada make thorough market research before opening and provide electric services online. In this case, they can get feedback and make adjustments immediately. Consequently customization will be taken so as to cater to customers as well as gets its image into consumers’ mind at beginning.

“A little bit more product than we normally would for an opening, just to ensure that we don’t disappoint customers when they give us that first opportunities to serve them”, said Ms. McKibbin, the executive officer of Nordstrom in Canada.

Additionally, the existing Nordstrom in Canada have run smoothly. Besides, it is having revolutions to operate faster and furnish, decorate the stores uniquely. Moreover, all the managers are trained in America for weeks before starting. All the efforts above ensure a quality experience in Nordstrom in Canada.

Is college offering less and less value of money?

It has come to individuals’ attention that there is a significant growth in unemployment rate of college graduates. is college worth it?Generally speaking, different people have different reasons to enter universities. Some of them enter college for pursuing academic interests, however others expect the financial returns in the future.

A great amount of students who expect financial returns, usually get a loan from bank but lack the ability to pay for it after graduation. Though many factors determine the incomes, what you learn is the major factor. From academic aspect, learning something more practical is likely to gain more. From the chart of rewarding and ruinous provided , engineers are unsurprisingly easier to find a high-paying job no matter where they got their degrees. Nevertheless, getting an art history or social degree is less lucrative, especially in the universities without an outstanding reputation and ranking. Thus, many graduates lack enough financial support to pay for their study loans.

Besides, it is hard to find a satisfied job nowadays (even for graduates from top colleges) in their chosen fields. The usual reason from the recruiters is the graduates lack practical skills that companies need. Moreover, tuition fees grow much faster in recent years, which undoubtedly pose a heavier burden on college students.

Should students think over and over again to figure out what their really desire are before entering colleges?