Is college offering less and less value of money?

It has come to individuals’ attention that there is a significant growth in unemployment rate of college graduates. is college worth it?Generally speaking, different people have different reasons to enter universities. Some of them enter college for pursuing academic interests, however others expect the financial returns in the future.

A great amount of students who expect financial returns, usually get a loan from bank but lack the ability to pay for it after graduation. Though many factors determine the incomes, what you learn is the major factor. From academic aspect, learning something more practical is likely to gain more. From the chart of rewarding and ruinous provided , engineers are unsurprisingly easier to find a high-paying job no matter where they got their degrees. Nevertheless, getting an art history or social degree is less lucrative, especially in the universities without an outstanding reputation and ranking. Thus, many graduates lack enough financial support to pay for their study loans.

Besides, it is hard to find a satisfied job nowadays (even for graduates from top colleges) in their chosen fields. The usual reason from the recruiters is the graduates lack practical skills that companies need. Moreover, tuition fees grow much faster in recent years, which undoubtedly pose a heavier burden on college students.

Should students think over and over again to figure out what their really desire are before entering colleges?

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