How will Canada deal with the aging problem?

Recently, Troy has written an article regarding Canadian serious aging problem. CANADA’S AGING POPULATION In his blog, he indicates that there will be a huge burden posing on government’s budget because of the growing number of retired seniors’ pension.

To be more specific, seniors only occupied 12.6 percent of the population but required 43 percent of total healthcare spending. Canada Age structure Even worse, this percentage will go up in the few coming decades according to the demographic data collected. Meanwhile, Vacuums in social security and pension system needs filling as well.


Another issue being concerned was the change in job landscape. Nowadays, when it comes to pursuing a future career, teenagers preferred to go to university for academic seeking instead of serving their apprenticeship. Nonetheless, from the data collected, those who become a carpenter or electricians in the future are much lucrative and more likely to contribute to the society. And demands for tradesmen will increase in the following decades with the diminishing quantity, explicit or not.

As far as I am concerned, a proper policy should be established so as to encourage youngsters to consider choosing those lucrative and useful fields as their career choice.


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