Everything Will Be Better

The trading game gives me a chance to operate the funding like a real investor. I have participated in a trading game which was limited to the stock exchanges during my undergraduate study. But futures, which is different from the stock, is a totally fresh field for me.


The trading game will last for more than 6 weeks, and I have $100,000 as my initial funds. Firstly, I made a schedule for the game and I have clear objectives for each week. For the first week, I just need to get start with futures and make several attempts.


The most important step is to know the transaction rules of futures. It is a kind of financial contract obligating the buyer to purchase an asset or the seller to sell an asset. After knowing the basic rule, I figured out the definitions of Market Order, Limit Order, Stop Order and Stop Limit Order. The four trading instructions are divided into GTD (Good-till-Date) and GTC (Good-till-Cancelled).


Our purchase objects are limited to grain and oil seeds including corn, soybeans and wheat. I analyzed the recent trends of these three kinds of futures and attempted to open position.


The price of corn peaked in Sep. last year and decrease consistently. It shows a fluctuation trend at the low price. I think there will be a rally within a narrow range in these days. So I only buy 2 units and then observe for a period to make further decisions.


The price of soybeans is undergoing a descending process. So I just buy 1 unit. Unfortunately, the price fell the next day after opening position. Maybe I will close position next week.


The price seems to hit the bottom recently. I forecast that the price will rise in a few weeks. So I buy 2 units and maybe short covering next week.

The transactions seem a little haste in the first week. But as with anything, the most important and hard step is to just get started. I think I achieved my first-week goal of understanding the futures and making some attempts.

Everything will be better~ Just go ahead without hesitation.



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