
Suit and tie, briefcase and an office. When looking maybe a few decades back thats what an entrepreneur or any business person needed to succeed. Afterall, where to meet with coworkers, have meetings or basically get any type of work done if not in an office? However, as technology advances the only tools that are really necessary to be able to conduct tasks that previously were only done in a physical space are a computer and internet. It now possible from the comfort of a home office or a café, or from the convenience of an airport lounge to complete transactions, sign contracts, conduct online meetings and make important decision without moving a single step.

Under the various reasons why offices are no longer needed is the type of workers that are now entering the work field. Millenials are projected to dominate the workforce by 2020 they are the generation of connectivity, the generation that grew up with google and social media. What better to exemplify this type of worker then ourselves. In this exact moment I am using the internet to get my work done, I could be inside my room, in the library, at the beach or enjoying a meal at The Keg, but the point is I am connected and getting work done needless of a office or a cubicle.

In summary the need for an office may be considered quite Machiavellian. As long as we reach the end, in this sense, as long as the work is done, the means (being the place) is quite irrelevant.




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