Feeling the Chills

Halloween is the last big thing before the Holidays, weather it is Hannukah, Christmas, New Years or a weird combination of both (a.k.a Christmukah for those The O.C fans) there is something inspiring about the end of the year, a feeling of restored hope, of family, of serendipity.  Christmas is a time where retail prosper and for that to occur the businesses vastly invest on advertising. There are plenty of Santa Clauses, Snowmen, and mittens flowing around but contrary to that trend John Lewis has thrived with the ads that tell a story and that make an emotional connection between the consumer and the Holiday.


One criticism made by BBC was that “the ad appears to miss out one vital component – the products they are trying to sell.”  I believe that is precisely why they are so successful.  Instead of trying to sell a product, they sell an experience, the beauty of giving someone much more than a manufactured good but the happiness that comes with Christmas.  The same happens with Starbucks they successfully convince people to pay $4,50 for something they know costs around 9 cents.  Creating the chills is their point of difference.

John Lewis Christmas Ad


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