Samsung is rushing its device out the door. The company will launch its Galaxy Note 4 smartphone in China and South Korea ahead of schedule in order to steal some thunder from Apple’s device.
Samsung has lost market share in China and India over the past two years to local cheap phones. The reason why Samsung has given China priority over other export markets this time is that they find China exists massive untapped base.They believe the Note 4 would “far outsell its predecessor” by using this chance. However, I hold the opposite opinion. I think most customers would like to wait for iPhone 6 rather than purchase Note 4. For one thing, the prices of those two devices are similar. If they cannot afford Note 4, they will choose the cheaper homegrown brands. For another, some consumers in China are described as disciples of an “Apple Cult”. In fact, many buyers lining up at Apple stores around the world are from China itself—they just couldn’t wait for the new product to be launched later at home. That is why I do not think that it really matters if iPhone 6 arrive a little bit late than Note 4. Because the fans would not care about it at all.
Also, Samsung has always been the world’s leading smartphone producer by sales, especially in “phablet” area. People chose Samsung just for the simple reason that it is bigger than iPhone sometimes. The screen size of iPhone 6 plus is as same as Note 4, which is 4.7 inch. So what will happen when iPhone 6 plus meets Note 4?
Welcome to the biggest smartphone battle of 2014.